As some Christians celebrate Christmas, we at TUSH.0 celebrate historical scholarship. We believe it should be spread far and wide, that the nights should be silent (so we can read and write) and that the study of history can bring peace on earth and good will to humans (well, that may be a little extreme). But if you are looking for the perfect Christmas gift for your US historian loved one: here it is – and FREE OF CHARGE.
Linford Fisher has posted essays from a graduate seminar at Brown University on Religion in the Early Modern Atlantic World on histororiography. If you are like me, you are thinking “hot damn, this is perfect; now I’ll have something to distract me from my insane family. Is there a way I can sneak this into tonight’s service? Maybe I can fold some pages into my church program.”
We here at TUSH.0 like to think of ourselves as modern-day Magi … following bright stars, bearing gifts, and hiding from imperial elites who want us to report back to them. Hope you are enjoying your mandatory days off.
Thanks, Ed. I will be reading carefully this essay. Very helpful bibliography. Some of this material will be especially useful for me as I always am looking for new material on my standard “Christianity and Slavery in America, 1619-1865” course. Always good to see the work Lin moving forward.