History 109 (first half of the US history survey) has officially begun. Huzzah and huzzah. I’ve met with the TAs, introduced them to the class (they were foolish enough to tell me silly things about themselves at our barbecue, which I then told the students in lurid detail … so sorry “Mrs. Brian Boitano” … you dreamed of marrying him, you live with the regret of telling me). (swearing in the video … so ear muffs)
For this semester, we’re using Kevin Schultz’s marvelous textbook Hist. I know I’ve publicized it before, but it is affordable, short, and hits the main points really well. Hist also comes with “Coursemate”, a tremendous resource from the publisher. Coursemate contains the e-book, flashcards, quizzes, interactive maps, glossaries, and much more. Although I did not use Coursemate when I was teaching H109 solo, I find it vital now because there are now 8 instructors for our class (7 TAx + 1 prof). Coursemate provides some uniformity where difference can be frustrating for some students. Coursemate offers our group common ways to approach the material, and allows individual TAs to tailor sections to her or his liking.
And coursemate will be extremely important to my students … so if they have yet to sign up, now is the time.