From the TA Corner: Analyzing Primary Source Documents

“It’s not as scary as I thought” Amber Tiffany For both of my sections this week we took on the fun adventure of analyzing primary source documents from Major Problems in American History Volume 1: to 1877.  The class broke up into two groups, one reading “Christopher Columbus Recounts His First Encounters with Native People,…

You Know the Graduate Students are Back When…

Today’s Friday funny hit me when I entered our department kitchen the other day and was overwhelmed by the sweet nostalgic aroma of Ramen noodles (chicken flavored, I believe). It got me thinking about the funniest parts of being a graduate student and how we know when they’re back for good: office doors suddenly have…

Leading Discussion: The Ups and Downs

The Graduate Students’ Corner Jenna Asbury(note to History 109 students, material from this post is quiz-able for the week of September 10-15) After completing Week 1, (a.k.a. “syllabus week” – which as a student, this was my favorite day because professors typically let students out early) I had my first content session with my students.…


History 109 (first half of the US history survey) has officially begun. Huzzah and huzzah. I’ve met with the TAs, introduced them to the class (they were foolish enough to tell me silly things about themselves at our barbecue, which I then told the students in lurid detail … so sorry “Mrs. Brian Boitano” ……

US History Mix Tape

Many of use music from an era to open a lecture or for discussion, but one approach I have taken the past few years is to encourage students to try and think of songs they know that fit with main themes of a period. I’ve developed my own (and made videos with images from the…

Penn State Scandal and Student Athletes

We teach about schools, teaching, and education. Whether discussing the New England Primer, the rise of public schools, school segregation litigation in Boston, the rise of colleges, Brown v. the Board of Education, prayer in school, or school shootings like the Kent State massacre, our history classes bring us to the realm of education.And, we…