Curiosity and Curtailing the Convenient Narrative

Few topics evoke such genuine intellectual curiosity amongst my overly achievement conscious students as the American Civil War. As a teacher, this proves fortunate, given that our study of the late antebellum period and war years typically falls after a ten-day break for the Thanksgiving holiday and before an eighteen-day winter vacation. As you might…

Reconsidering the Internet: Hypothesis in the History Classroom

There are countless different ways to write, and things and ideas to write about. And the Internet offers a kaleidoscope of different formats, media, tools, sights, and sounds to tell your stories…We’ve got to start thinking of the Internet as something more than a glow-in-the-dark newspaper.—Jon Bois, Sportstwriter for SBNation.com1)Jon Bois, “17776: Questions and Answers.”…